Skill Development Program

Why Skill Development?

Misbah Momin Foundation believes in the transformational power of skill development under which it considers vocational training to be the most effective way to counter poverty and unemployment. Skill training is a powerful tool that can change the trajectory of one’s life. In fact, the benefits of skill training extend beyond an individual level, as entire families and society as a whole is positively impacted. The team at MMF believes that everyone deserves affordable access to learning, no matter the circumstances into which they were born.

Program Structure

Our skill development program constitutes of vocational trainings, with a focus on equipping and empowering the youth- girls in particular- from semi-urban, rural or underprivileged areas. The program is designed to provide income generating skills to students who do not have access to government institutions, lack financial backing or face other restrictions in the way of securing a livelihood. These vocational trainings in marketable trades enable them to seek jobs/become self-employed, and provide for themselves and their families.
Despite modest beginnings, increasing social issues across the globe have necessitated critical breakthroughs at MMF through the next stage of its growth and impact.  With a firm belief in “Kun Faya Kun,” a magical phrase of the Lord, Misbah Momim has faith in the power of good intentions and the universe aiding their manifestation.

MMF’s first program, based on income support, was built on a model to aidthe underprivileged, widows, individuals with special needs and orphans, to cover basic amenities like utility bills, rents, and debts . The initial beneficiaries included three people, but within a few years, the numbers started growing, making financial sustainability an issue. This is when the team realized that it needed to revisit its model forlong-term benefits to society and shifted its focus on empowering socially and economically deprived individuals. To this end, MMF initiated a scholarship program for deserving students, along with a program that provided interest free microfinance for new start-up businesses.

Where are MMF’s Training Centres located?

Mustafabad, (Lilyani), Kasur (PSDA certified)
Ladheke Bhullar (village), Lahore
Kotli pir Abdul Rehman, Lahore

MMF’s ongoing courses:

Computer Applications course ( Digital Litracy)
Beautician course
Domestic Tailoring course

Digital Literacy – The future of skill development

The rapid development of technology has transformed industries and business models. MMF is focused on its digital literacy course in order to reduce unemployment and better the socio- economic conditions of the rural youth.


MMF’s beautician course is a highly popular program amongst women and girls, with demand growing from males as well. The team is committed to providing the best training as this skill has had a proven 100% success rate in creating job opportunities for our students, including self-employment.

Domestic Tailoring

The Domestic Tailoring course is another in demand and practical training program, supervised by expert teachers at MMF centres. This skill has impacted the lives of students very positively and they’ve started earning immediately through home-based, online businesses.

Climate Action Program

Pakistan is increasingly exposed to a number of climate disasters, facing loses year after year. Despite the fact that the country produces less than 1% of the world’s carbon footprint, it has had to endure the biggest consequences of climate change. According to the Global Climate Risk Index, it is currently the fifth most climate-vulnerable country in the world.

Rising temperatures, variability of monsoons, melting of glaciers in the north, recurrent extreme weather and natural disasters, are just some of the effects of climate change that Pakistan has been forced to contend with in recent years.

Climate change is perhaps one of the most crucial issues of our time and thus, Misbah Momin Foundation, with its community-based approach, is an untiring advocate of this cause. In this regard, even small-scale plantation drives by school students can have a far-reaching and positive impact on the environment, community and personal development of those involved. These initiatives instill a sense of responsibility and awareness that can shape the future of environmental conservation.

Mental Health

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting mental well-being is important to building prosperous societies.
Under its Mental Health Program, MMF focuses on using its voice to fight the stigma around mental health, raise awareness, and offer support to those who need it- women and students in particular.

Kafalat Program

The World Bank has revealed that poverty in Pakistan has surged to 39.4% during the last fiscal year, with an additional 12.5 million people slipping further into poverty. The average Pakistani is currently surviving on less than $3.65 per day, with nearly 40% of the country’s population struggling to meet its basic needs. The aim of the MMF Kafalat Program is to alleviate the worst effects of poverty by supplementing income, providing in-kind charity distributions, and offering medical support to provide for the real and basic necessities of the underprivileged, needy, widows, orphans, and elderly persons, and to contribute towards inclusive and more resilient societies.

Ramadan Ration Distribution

Under the welfare section, the Ramadan Ration Distribution is the most significant drive carried out by the MMF team every year with utmost zeal, benefiting hundreds of needy families. During the last Ramadan in 2023, deserving candidates, with a special focus on single-income households, widows, and those below the poverty line, received a one-month ration package and Eid clothes after thorough security and background checks. The MMF team reached out to the people identified based on the survey and invited them to collect ration and Eid gifts from MMF’s head office. The distribution was made against the CNIC of each individual.

Weekly Food Distribution

This year, the Misbah Momin Foundation has launched a weekly food distribution program to provide assistance to those who struggle to manage their daily meals. The program was designed to reach out to the homeless living in public places such as highways or railway stations, abandoned senior citizens, migrant workers, and the family members of patients outside hospitals. The impact of providing meals for the underprivileged extends beyond physical nourishment. This act of kindness delivers emotional sustenance and helps to lift spirits, providing hope and comfort.

Women Rights

  • End all forms of discrimination against women and girls.
  • Women empowerment is a cause close to MMF’s core and will always be championed with utmost passion. This is done through various women’s rights campaigns, along with a focus on increasing female participation in society.

Tahira Zaman Education Program

MMF is a strong proponent and advocate of making education accessible to every child, regardless of gender or economic circumstances. Education is that one tool that holds the power to help people escape poverty, even in the face of adversity. It opens doors to higher paying jobs, opportunities for advanced education and careers, while also creating
productive members of society.

Through MMF’s Tahira Zaman Education Program, the team strives to support education through tuition grants and textbook purchases for college students who face financial constraints, but have remarkable results and a drive to continue prioritising their education. The foundation also supports school going students, especially new beginners whose education has been delayed or restricted due to their family’s economic limitations.